Popular goods

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Dumbbells, Barbells, and Exercise Machines!

This blog is meant to be your source of all things to do with Dumbbells, Barbells and Exercise Machines. We aim to help you find and overcome all the problems you face in your workout journey. Take your time, have a look around our wonderful blog. We hope you enjoy it!

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About Us

gym image

Who We are

Our content writers are people who are in the gym everyday. Everything you do, we do. We picture the gym as more of a trail and process. We like to do the trailing and you get the do the testing.


What can You Find on our Site?

Most of our content revolves around Dumbbells, Barbells, and Exercise Machines. We believe that with the plethora of exercise this equipment offers, there's more than enough content for everyone.

Where are We Based

The Founder, Me, is from Ireland, Where I live and Work. Most of our writers are also local to Ireland. However, with this business being virtual, we also have writers and technicians in the UK and the USA.

Do you have to Pay for our Site

NO, you do not have to pay for any of the articles or information on this site.

Where to Find our Content

Simply scroll to the top of the site and you will be able to see a the Blog button in the menu. Follow that link and find all of our articles. Alternatively, if your searching for something specific, use the search bar.

What is our goal

Quality comes over quantity here. Our goal is to make you a complete expert in all things surrounding Dumbbells, Barbells, and exercise machines.